Thursday, March 22, 2012

To Whom It May Concern - Part 1

Dear NCAA Basketball,

I'm so sorry! I love March Madness, I really do. I love watching to see which underdog team will completely ruin everyone's brackets only to disappear back into oblivion a few months later. This year I had every intention of watching, but the Peyton Across America Tour continued long past its perspective end date and as time went on I realized that Denver, Elway, and Elway's hair were in it to win it and I was getting more stressed with every day that went by. My nerves just couldn't handle awaiting Peyton's decision and the stress of the tournament. Luckily, by Sunday afternoon I had managed to calm myself down enough to watch a few games.

However, Monday afternoon when SportsCenter should have been discussing the state of Ohio cleaning house, Kendall Marshall's fractured wrist, and my beloved Gators, Peyton announced his big decision to the world and all eyes turned back to the drama of the NFL. I'm sorry you are not getting the air time you so rightfully deserve. I'm sorry the off season of the NFL is taking every bit of attention away from the biggest moments of your actual season. On behalf of sports fans everywhere, I'm sorry.

Also, Go Gators!

Dear NFL,

This is only my second year with you and I am starting to question our relationship. In just two seasons I have seen more ego drive craziness than I have in an entire lifetime with the NCAA. I realize the NCAA is not without their problems, but compared to you, well, it's nothing.

Let me give you the breakdown of the last two years of our relationship. Once the lockout situation got resolved, I then got to see the firing of Josh McDaniels, followed by exile of Kyle Orton, then Tebow mania went into full swing. In the midst of miraculous wins, Elway spitefully withholds support of his quarterback. Then, after Tebow gets the Broncos to the second round of the playoffs to be beaten by the team that eventually went to the Super Bowl, Elway reluctantly announces Tim will be the starting QB for the 2012 season and pledges to work with him in the off season. By "working with Tim" Elway really meant courting Peyton because two months later Tim is traded to the Jets with not even an option of staying to learn under Peyton.

I realize you may be thinking this letter should be to the Broncos and not you, but the general integrity and loyalty of your other teams is equally disgraceful. Alex Smith took the 49ers to the 3rd round of the playoffs to be beaten by the team who won the Super Bowl only to have his front office rise as the dark horse and tough competitor in the Peyton sweepstakes. Then when they didn't get Peyton, they asked free agent Alex to return and expect him to do so gratefully. My word. Are you guys serious?

Not to be left out of the contest for craziest leadership, the Jets trade for sweet Timmy after they pledged their loyalty to Sanchez just two weeks prior.

All of this just upsets me. If this is what it means to be an NFL fan, then I am not sure I have it in me. How can I be loyal to a team when a team isn't loyal to its players? I just keep getting told over and over, "this is the way it is" or "it's just business." Just because something is the status quo doesn't mean it's ok and it certainly doesn't mean I have to be fine with it. NFL fans also excuse this inhumanity because the players make millions of dollars. We can all agree that you shouldn't treat someone like less of a person if they are poor, but apparently it's fine if they are rich. Please explain how that makes sense.

I really hope that once my emotions settle I can make a logical decision on if I will be continuing our relationship, but right now I am regretting all of those moments I sacrificed with my first love in order to get to know you.

Dear ESPN,

To quote my friend Megan Beam quoting the great philosopher Taylor Swift, Why you gotta be so mean? But seriously, do you remember singing Tim's praises two months ago? Because I remember that. He made believers out of all of you. You just couldn't get enough of the kid. Now here we are, back in the same place with you telling us that no one will want him, that he is no good, and he can't make it in the NFL. Just so you know, there is a way for you to objectively report on his strengths and weaknesses without being so cruel.

Furthermore, stop making crap up. Stop telling America that Broncos fans are so happy and see Elway as our hero. There are plenty of people happy about Manning, but there are just as many furious over the loss of Tim and quite frankly the entire situation. You are making my whole state look ridiculous. Just stop.

Report on the NCAA tournament. Those guys are working hard and deserve some air time. Get it together.

Dear Frank Tripucka,


Dear Skip Bayless,

Thank you. You deserve some kind of a medal. You have stayed true to your thoughts on Tim through everything. You like him, and you are willing to stick up for him no matter what. You may be one of the most bias reports at the Mother Ship, but praise God someone in that business understands the meaning of the word loyalty. Please continue to call out those Broncos players being ridiculous. Thank the Lord someone has the guts to do it. 

Dear Broncos Fans Who Told Me Elway Would Keep Tim No Matter Who Won the Peyton Sweepstakes,

I told you so.

Dear Eddie Royal,

Congrats on the move to a team with a QB who has a better passing game than Tim. I know you wanted that. Also, how silly do you feel right now?

Dear Brandon Lloyd,

If Eddie feels silly, I bet you feel really silly!

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