Until then, I thought I would share a few personal revelations that were a direct result of my recent travels.
- Somewhere along the way I became a home-body, introvert. I don't know when this happened, but upon reflection I have to admit I'm not surprised. In the last five years I picked up and moved to Texas, moved back to Florida, and then picked up again and moved to Colorado. I think I've had five different addresses in those five years. Oh, then there were those months with Student Life thrown in there where I quite literally took a tour of the United States by 15 passenger van. All of that to say, now that I have a steady home (and one that I own none the less) I discovered I just don't like to leave it and constantly being surrounded by people is no longer my cup of tea.
- It's nearly impossible to abide by a strict running schedule while traveling. Don't ask me why, it just is.
- There is no need to freak out when you miss a few days on your running schedule. Just because you miss a few days or even get a week behind doesn't mean you are going to completely lose the strength and stamina you've built up over the past few months. I may have had a brief freak-out session in Austin.
- Hello my name is Danielle and I'm addicted to running. Is this because I realized that I just absolutely love running? Nope. It's because my body literally started revolting against me after about five days without a run. I couldn't believe it. My back started aching. I was constantly tired and sore. After a few days of misery, it dawned on me that this was not just because of the travel. After a three mile jog by the river in Louisville I was good as new. Unbelievable. I get it now. Runner (and I'm not calling myself a runner) don't necessarily run because they want to. They run because their body will start to revolt against them if they don't.
- No matter how much time goes by, some things never change.
- Holy cow, next week is Thanksgiving!
So how did I spend my first weekend home in the entire month of November? Well, first of all I slept in!
Then when I finally descended from my bedroom around noon, I went for a 10 mile run. You know what? I'm just going to go ahead and toot my own horn here...I finished the run in two hours and that was with 60mph wind gusts that resulted in a loss of feeling in my limbs for the last three miles. Toot toot.
After the run and a long, hot shower I crashed for a few hours.
Then it was on to a little weekend project. I kept my number from my mud run and I have a lot of great photos from the day. It was my first race ever so I wanted to do something to put the memory on display. I've been wanting to use one of those clear, shadowbox-like frames for a while and I saw this as my opportunity.
I arranged the photos and the number to my liking, and then got ready to hang it in my office.
It was then I realized...I have no idea how to hang this thing. For real, does anyone know how to easily hang this sucker?
Now if someone posts an answer to the above question I'm going to feel really stupid. But because I'm not patient and didn't feel like calling or texting anyone, I took matters into my own hands, which is rarely a good thing, but always ends up working out. I made a few trips to the garage and found a saw hook and a few nails that were small enough to nail into the back of the frame without shooting out through the front. After a few minutes I had frame I could actually hang - novel idea. At least I was smart enough to take the glass out...just in case the hammer got away from me. Yeah, that's how much faith I have in my fix-it abilities.
Finally I was able to put the glass back in the frame and hang it. Project = Done!
I know the wall looks a little bare, but I'm hoping to add another frame with my number and pictures from my upcoming half marathon along with mementos from future life adventures.
I think later tonight or tomorrow I'm going to try out paint colors for my living room. That will be the Thanksgiving weekend project. Get excited - I am!
I love the us of the bib with pictures! I need to be more creative with some of the things i keep from races!