Friday, December 16, 2011

Celebrity Week

Saturday evening I received a very interesting text from a friend in my small group. She was at a local (but well known) Christmas production and they happened to mention from stage that none other than #15 was in their afternoon performance just hours before. I was skeptical to say the least, mostly because one of our other friends who is also in our small group, was actually in attendance at that afternoon performance and did not see him or hear he was in the building.

Monday I walked into work and before I could even make it to my desk one of the guys said, "hey, guess who was at my church this weekend?" I was pretty determined to rob him of any bragging rights whatsoever so I quickly told him I already knew and that just because Tim went to his church's Christmas play it did not mean Tim goes to his church. 

Furthermore, I do find it quite interesting the church's staff found it totally necessary to broadcast the name of their famous guest from stage like that. Come on people. 

Here is a little taste of the Christmas production allegedly attended by Timmy Touchdown, and believe me, it's quite the production. It's hard to tell if you're sitting in a church or a hotel on the Las Vegas strip. Start the video at about 2 minutes and 30 seconds and keep an eye out for the fountains - yes, I said fountains. Also, feel free to fast forward to the end and check out a very interesting rendition of The Little Drummer Boy.  

And with that, Celebrity Week had begun.

Tuesday was just another day. I left work, rushed home for a quick dinner, changed into my pajamas, and headed to the outskirts of town for my small group. There are 6 of us women who meet together every other week to challenge each other with God's Word and share struggles as we attempt to really understand what it means to do life together. We have been meeting like this for over a year now - before our church even officially started small groups. 

Two of these great friends - Tara and Kacy and their families own a little piece of property with two houses right next to each other. It was pretty much the perfect place for their families and they have been so great to share "the farm" with not just our small group, but our entire church family. Even though most of us have to drive at least a solid 30 minutes to get there, it just feels like a second home.

Somewhere around lunchtime on Tuesday afternoon Tara sent me a text to let me know we would be meeting at her house instead of Kacy's because Kacy had guests in town. No big deal and nothing crazy about that. 

We all met at Tara's house without a second thought and just as we were wrapping things up, Kacy stopped by in need of an iron. Still, nothing out of the ordinary. The bonus of living right next to your best friends is that you can show up and borrow an iron at 10pm and it's no big thing. Kacy ran upstairs to get the iron and someone shouted up to her to ask which family members were visiting. She told us it was actually just their friends Cubbie and Becs. 

Immediately the wheels started turning. Cubbie is Joey's (Kacy's husband) best friend in the world. Joey has told me a ton about that guy. They grew up together, and in fact, Joey was just the best man in Cubbie's wedding. Wait, did Kacy just say that Becs is here - as in Cubbie's bride? Now what was so special about that wedding....and that's when the lightbulb went off and I yelled up the stairs to Kacy, "Is Rebecca St. James at your house right now???" To that I heard, "Yeah, she is the one who needs the iron." 

It was pretty much downhill from there with my freaking out. I listened to "Becs" on cassette tape when I was like 10 years old and now she is right next door - I could literally throw a rock and hit her in the face. Kacy and Tara both tried to convince me Rebecca and Cubbie are just normal people and that I was more than welcome to walk next door and meet them but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I can't meet Rebecca St. James in my pajamas. It's one thing if Kacy happened to bring her to Tara's house while I was there, thus making our meeting completely coincidental. It's another thing entirely when you purposefully go over there. It is no longer a chance meeting and therefore, it becomes awkward. Then there is my whole word vomit issue. Frankly, even if I did muster up the courage to meet Rebecca St. James in my pajamas, the chance of me saying something along the lines of, "Tim Tebow went to a Christmas play at the church a guy I know attends. I just wanted to meet you so I could one-up him" would easily slip from my mouth about the time she shook my hand. 

Kacy told me she was keeping their visit quiet more because of Cubbie then "Becs," which led to the obvious question of how is Cubbie even remotely famous? Oh, well, because Kacy neglected to ever mention that Cubbie's last name is "Fink" and in Cubbie Fink, the bass player in a little band called Foster the People

Ok, yeah, so Rebecca St. James is no longer "waiting for, waiting for, you darling," because she married the bass player in Foster the People and is now Rebecca Fink and they are staying at my friends Kacy and Joey's house - no big deal. 

Amber tried to calm me down but I was inconsolable at this point. Amber said she just isn't impressed by people who are famous because they are just people. She can be unimpressed. I'm going to jump around the living room and scream in disbelief. 

Since we were now sharing our secret celebrity connections Amber decided to share the fact that she knows Louie Giglio's nephew. I'm just stunned by all of this and to throw me into complete shock, Amber tells me that I know him too - and she is right, I know the guy but never knew he was Louie's nephew. 

What is going on around here? I do know deep down that even famous people are just people, but I really don't mind being that person who gets openly and obviously excited. 

And there you have it - Celebrity Week in Colorado Springs - Timmy makes a church appearance, Becs and Cobbie hang at the farm, and turns out I know Louie's nephew. I'm expecting the paparazzi to show up at any moment. 

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